Tee on Tuesdays,12.1.15

Well it’s 11:30pm Monday night as I sit down to write my Tee on Tuesdays post for December 1st. In the last 7 days we celebrated Thanksgiving. In honor of my favorite hol-Tee on Tuesdays-iday I think I will do a complete stream of consciousness post about things I am thankful for. If you’ve never read one of my stream of consciousness posts, I don’t edit them. I just type as  I think. Let it spill out onto the page. Here we go….


  1. I’m thankful for family. I had a great thanksgiving day/weekend and my dad, sister and brother were there with me. Dinner was at my house and I grilled/smoked the turkey.

    Saturday the 4 of us went and watched the Iron Bowl together and ate wings in the imagelast smoke filled bar in Huntsville. (You would tolerate the smoke for some of the best lemon pepper wings in the city). Hearing my dad say we gave him one of his best recent memories with all of us sitting there catching up and watching football was great. I’m the only one of us 4 who lives in Huntsville so I appreciate them all coming to town. 
  2. I’m thankful for the ability to be working. If you know me personally you know I stay doing something. The truth is, I have always been a better person when I’m involved in many projects. Right now my hands are in ALOT. I wouldn’t have it any other way. There’s going to be a major door that opens for me because of everything I am doing now. Trust me. 
  3. I’m thankful for my kids. They are absolutely awesome! They bring me so much joy and I just want to be the best father I can be for them. I need them to obey/act right when they are with their mothers more though. This whole ‘act like angels with dad and the opposite with mom” thing is getting to be an issue. Might have to take off the old belt soon. 
  4. I’m thankful for you guys out there reading this foolishness. I appreciate my friends, family and support system for supporting my various ventures and being a listening ear to my crazy life. Also if you just log on here to be nosy I appreciate you too cause you still boost the page stats up. Someone may want to advertise on my site and your page view is just helping my numbers LOL! 
  5. It’s 12:03 am. At this point I am thankful for this tempurpedic I am about to lay down on. I can barely keep my eyes open and I have a busy day tomorrow. I have a 9am appointment to hang a lady’s tv. I mounted two tv’s today. This Hangman thing is starting to catch on.
  6. I’m thankful that my alarm just went off on my phone reminding me that rent is due tomorrow. I wasn’t going to forget, believe me….I am thankful that I am in the position to be able to pay my rent. Somewhere someone is struggling to make rent or a mortgage payment this month. So I’m thankful that a bill is due and I can pay it on time. 

I’m out! 


@teeLARGE (instagram & twitter)

Letter to Myself, from Myself…on my Born Day.


Since it’s too late to call my dad and confirm, we’re going to say I was 4 years old in this pic. So let’s say this is August 5th 1985.

Dear Little Trav, Baby Tee, Tee-Small,

This letter is coming to you from 30 years in your future. 8/5/2015, your 34th Birthday.

Right off the bat I want to tell you about an event that will happen in 4 months that will re-route the entire course of your life: you mother will lose her battle with cancer 4 days before Christmas, 1985. This will change you in ways you are still realizing even at 34. Where you live, your relationship with family, the type of women you find real interest in, your religion, your Spirituality, and how you parent your children and how your mind operates, will all be touched by this one singular event.

I hope you caught the last part of that sentence cause yep, you’ve got kids. 4 to be exact. Lailah, Maya, Tyler and Kayden. You’ll also date an amazing girl for a few years that has a daughter and also your best friend has a daughter… you’ll have love and be loved by both of those kids as well.  Your kids are beautiful. Lailah lives in Indiana with her mother, her husband and their two kids. No matter what happens, NEVER stop trying with Lailah…..child support will come for you…handle your business..paperwork and all…and find a lawyer that believes you’re not a statistic.

Maya and Tyler will be such huge blessings in your life. Right now that will have just crossed about 16 months with you no longer living in the same home as them. It will be an adjustment but they will do fine. They will treat you as if you are still there….often times telling you more than you need to know about what goes on. Maya has your big persona with her mother’s heart. Tyler has his mothers persona with your mischievousness. They are two of the brightest, fun loving, well behaved kids anyone has ever met. They are best friends as well and crazy about their father too! As for their mother, be happy for her..she gave you 12 long years….recently she found someone that makes her happy and you should be her biggest supporter.

And then there is Kayden. There is nothing like this little girl. She is the perfect mesh of personas from you and her mother. She’s outgoing yet reserved, spontaneous yet calculated, funny and sweet, competitive and girly….and she’s only 4 !! She starts pre-k this morning too. Talk about a birthday gift! What’s tough is that when you are 26 you will be introduced to a gorgeous woman at a business event for entrepreneurs in downtown Huntsville. Sparks will fly instantly…damn near love at first sight.. but you should listen to her a couple weeks later when she gives you PERFECT reasoning why ya’ll should just be friends. Things would be too complicated, and you both are too stubborn to reason. Trust that she’s mature enough to see while you are blinded by infatuation. If you listen, she’ll probably become the best platonic friend you could ever have and ya’ll will open a successful business or two together. If you don’t listen, life will spiral pretty crazy over the next 8 years, affecting both of you tremendously until things finally calm down and you’ll walk away as co-parents. However this second option is the only one that brings Kayden into the world so on second thought….go for it!

Let’s talk about some fun stuff. When your 28, with the help of loved ones you’ll open a clothing boutique. This will swing open the doors of opportunity like you’ve never imagined. The people you will be connected to will go on to be some of the biggest names in the sneaker/clothing industry. You’ll build an awesome team with people that truly love you and want to grow the brand. Sadly while your marketing skills are undeniable, your leadership skills will be the death of you. You’ll lack the vision needed to blow up the way you and your team should. The feeling in your stomach the day you close the doors to Kreativ.Sole is something that will haunt you almost daily. Shortly after, someone in the industry will make you an offer to come into business with them, but fear of a second failure and you not having the desire to leave your kids will have you pass on that opportunity as well. Learn from these moments. Grow from these moments. Proudly, all of your team will go on focused on finding success in their own lanes. You’ll feel like a proud grandpa watching them rap, design clothing, create art and cultural events and even join the military. The growth in their lives will make you realize it was all worth it and all God’s divine plan.

Here’s another blessing, you’ll have an uncanny knack for finding jobs. Your first job will be at age 15 working at a carwash until you get fired for crashing a car! 19 years later you will be on your 28th and 29th jobs. Currently your working in HR/Recruiting for a great company, and you will also be working a night job as a stocker at Kroger’s to knock down that maxed out credit card. Try to stick it out at these two jobs, your resume is starting to have as many pages as the Bible!

Speaking of the Bible…..let’s talk Spirituality and Religion. Over the years you’ll be around a few different religions: SDA, Baptist, Church of Christ, Jehovah Witness and Non-Denom….there’s truth sprinkled through all so pay attention. However the biggest thing you’ll realize is that without your own personal relationship, the religion is hollow. Focus on building your own friendship with Christ, and then hit church to fellowship and celebrate God’s love with other believers. Lastly when one of your best friends ask you to help his growing church, your gonna say yes and it’s gonna jump almost immediately; remember why you are doing what you are doing. This is the one place where it should NOT turn into the Tee show. Stop doing the most, and help him lead some souls to Christ.

If the 4 kids didn’t give it away, you are a ladies man. You absolutely love the female species LOL! It’s your weakness…like Samson minus the muscles. You won’t have an issue with drugs, as a matter of fact you’ll never try anything…not even a cigarette. You’ll drink but you’ll be a pretty good judge on that as well. So no bad vices other than the ladies. Listen to your dad when he tells you not to worry about a woman, they will always be there. Focus on your education, and creating a life / building a brand for yourself before you try to find love. The crazy thing is, even though your not ready for them, you’ll always attract great women. No crazy ones, none too “hood”, none too “uppity”…most will have awesome professions, degrees, homes, cars etc…and they will LOVE you lots!! The biggest thing to remember is women like a man that has his own. It gives them a sense of stability. You’ll go thru an ugly time period where you want to be taken care of. This is stupid, immature and weak and will almost take your life. You will break 3 very loving hearts all by the same reason: taking advantage of a kind heart and generosity.  One night at 4am you’ll find yourself watching a re-run of the movie “Baby Boy” and realize that you, like the main character, have a “mommy complex” where you attract women that treat you more like your their child than their boyfriend in the way they care for you and your every need. Immediately after you’ll enter counseling and the first thing the counselor will say was that your mother passed when you were 4 and NOBODY can fill that void so stop trying. You’ll spend the next 59 minutes pouring down tears onto the couch. Sidenote: You paid $150 for that hour. You probably should stop crying and talk.

This letter sounds a little depressing huh?? I’m really just trying to save you thru the tough times. You’ll have ALOT of awesome life experiences. You’ll go to concerts, out of town trips filled with randomness, be a huge sports fan and more. You’ll have some of the best friends you could ever ask for. It took you to age 34 but you finally have your priorities in order so that’s a great thing! You’ll start organizations, help out on committee’s, plan events, work with some really talented musicians and figures and more. Truly you will be apart of your community. You’ll have friends of all races and be comfortable with just about anyone. you have a highly creative mind, and an burning entrepreneurial desire that will eat at you daily. This will swing open even more opportunity but remember you can’t do it all. pace yourself.

Travis in closing just live your life. You’re not perfect, you will make mistakes but learn from them. That’s the biggest thing. Set goals for yourself, then go after them. Your a dreamer, but remember that it is equally important to wake up from the dream and go make that dream a reality! Continue to spread love, continue to treat people with respect, and continue giving it up to God, HE always replies!

Love you

34 year old Tee.  8/5/2015.


Air Max Day, 2015

1:41 am

Ladies and Gentleman today is National Nike Air Max Day. An ode to the greatest pair of sneakers known to man. On this date in 1987, Nike debuted a revolutionary shoe, a game changer with a visible air unit (bubble).

Sneakers were and still are my first love. My children are most important, but sneakers were there first. They are my comfort zone. It’s one of my calling cards. Anyone that knows me knows that I keep a fresh pair on my feet. It’s something as true to me as my big head and my last name.

Air Max Day 2015
“Air Max” Day, 2015. Great photo, until you realize you have to put them all back up.

I get it, at the end of the day they are just shoes. That’s why I rarely clean mine…..they are JUST shoes. I don’t worship them, but I do enjoy them. Nothing beats lacing up a pair…except lacing up a NEW pair.

Enjoy the day, wear your sneakers proudly. Be who you are. I went thru a stretch when I had to look myself in the mirror and ask was something wrong with me. I realize I’m 33, and I own 1 suit. 1….uno…..solo…..one. Instead of forcing it and being something I’m not, I had to continue being confident being me. If you’re like me and you feel more comfortable in a pair of kicks and jeans than you do a suit & tie, so be it. And to my guys that prefer the clean dress up look, I salute you.

Me……well…..let’s just say I’ll always be “….a breath of fresh air, in a fresh pair…

-Tee (@teelarge)

www.RunHSV.com                                              www.teelarge.com


Alive & Well. …slightly high.

3:56 am. 

Right now I feel like Martin Luther King Jr, the night before his world changing “I Have a Dream” speech. I feel like the rapper Drake hours before he released his instant classic “So Far Gone” mixtape 6 years ago. What I mean is that I know my life is about to change and I will never be able to be “the old me” again. That’s a good thing, I don’t have the desire to go backwards anymore. Forward progress only. The MLK Jr. & Drake references might be slight exaggerations…….

*Drumroll please*

The website is finished people.(No not this …this teelarge.com site is just my personal blog, nothing special here LOL!) I just spent 4 hours…alone…no music, no phone, no nothing….locked in and focused on the project I mentioned to you all a few weeks ago I think. We’ll it is now ALMOST ready to go live. The 4-5 people that have already heard the idea are in love with it. My best friend Mario heard it tonight and was pumped! Another one of my best friends, Romain Medley called me and gave me the speech tonight I needed to make this thing real….that final push. So I spent 4 hours alone, locked in a room with just a laptop. I didn’t even bring the charger in the room, I wanted to feel like this time was all I had. I needed to feel the pressure. 

I have not went live with the project yet, we still have a few more hours before this thing is live. I haven’t attached the logo to anything yet. When you see the logo up, you know it’s time to help promote. That’s right, I am going to need your help promoting!! 

But since you are reading this, I’ll go ahead and let you in on the secret. Go to www.runhsv.com ,that’s all your information right there. Then look up @RunHSV on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. The pages are open and working…you can friend/follow each, there just aren’t any logos up yet. Again, no logos mean I haven’t publicized it yet. Coming soon. 

I am beyond excited about this #RunHSV movement. I believe in this cause wholeheartedly. Another reason I had to finish tonight was because I have a job interview at 9am (4 hours and 43 minutes from now). Before this job interview God placed on my heart a vision for myself and for me to bless/help/motivate others, I had to complete that before I went and sold myself to another man’s company. No knock against my potential new employer, they are a very respected company, and honestly with me NOT working professionally right now means no benefits, thank God I’m healthy. But I have to do me first. I must execute the vision HE gave me. I am a entrepreneur at heart and tonight my heart started beating again. I am a thinker, a creator, a person that gets high off the ability to brainstorm. And right now I’m as high as Snoop Dogg in a NASA jumpsuit. 

4:27 am. Prepare for liftoff. 


100 Likes…..I don’t deserve this type of love.

1:07 am 

Daylight Savings time got my head so messed up. We go forward an hour and I can’t tell you if that helped or hurt me LOL. 

So late last night (24 hours ago) I put up a new picture of me on Facebook. It actually wasn’t done on purpose. I changed all my social media icons to the same updated picture and I guess FB posted it to my wall as well. Well can you believe 102 people and counting have hit the like button?!?!? I’m not Kevin Hart or nobody that gets 10000 “likes” on every single post. So for me to get 100 people liking one thing, and that being a picture of me, is easily the highlight of my 2015 thus far. 

Now that I have 102 people’s attention, I need to figure out how to keep it and ultimately turn that into something that puts food on my kids table. Which brings me to my next point. Purpose. 

Purpose is such a enigmatic word to a person that has an entrepreneurs heart. From the outside, people judge you by saying “Oh he just don’t wanna work for nobody” …but from the inside all my entrepreneurs, dreamers and creators know that you CAN’T simply work for anybody if that doesn’t involve YOU walking in YOUR purpose. I mean, yes you can as in you can physically be in attendance at a job yes. But you can’t work for anybody because the whole time you are there, there is a burning inside of you that your dreams are dying, your purpose is unrealized, while your working everyday to build someone else’s. So what happens is you have that classic scene in Jerry Maguire where your back is against the wall and you decide to just set off blazing your own trail. Except the movies isn’t real….life is real. Bills are real. Debt is real. So you get scared and you convince yourself to stay on that job a little while longer. 

The best thing that could have happened to me was not being at LG anymore. Gone is the cushy cubicle job. Security blanket snatched out from under me. Now I am forced to reexamine the fiber and fabric of who I am. DAILY. What are my strengths? What are my weaknesses? What do I enjoy most in life? What do I work hard at? I mean really truly work at…where do I apply myself at, not just do enough to get by…..what do I truly give effort in doing? What can I learn from past failures? These are not light questions. If you feel uncomfortable reading them, imagine how I feel answering them. 

The answers to these questions and more were startling to say the least. Eye opening is another great adjective to describe the process. But I’m so blessed by it. That’s why I love this blog. I can document my journey and share my flaws as I’m on the way to my GREATER. 

In closing, I am almost there good people. I feel it, its right around the corner. Too many things are happening in my life right now. God I see you working homie! It’s our time. Ideas and creativity are flowing thru my veins again. Not only that but the bu$iness plan to support those ideas is coming to me as well. 

Okay…that’s enough…. my eyes getting heavy…it’s 1:41am…. peace. 


100 likes.... I'll take those gladly....and one day I'll do something to pay all 100 of you back!
100 likes…. I’ll take those gladly….and one day I’ll do something to pay all 100 of you back! Your kindness will be rewarded! 

Cliche…after Cliche…

1:29am 2/27/15

Rappers wanna be ball players, ball players wanna rap….and nobody wants to write. Yet oddly enough here I am up at basically 1:30am with a burst of energy to write a blog post similar to a rapper in the studio seeking rhyming words for his newest single, while watching Lebron James ridiculous highlights on Sportscenter. Oh the irony.

When did hard work become synonymous with staying up all night? **Sidenote me using the word “synonymous” in a sentence is what happens when you spend 48 hours in the house because your city is paralyzed under arguably 2-5 inches of snow. So you study words for an hour or so each day to strengthen your vocabulary**

But I digress…

Why can’t we work hard AND get a fairly respectable nights sleep? Let’s examine my day. I’ve already admitted I’ve been in the house the whole day because good ‘ol Huntsville, Alabama decided to take another city wide snow day. I woke up around 11:30am after a long night the night before. I ate a late breakfast with my daughter and played with her for awhile before getting my actual day started. No shower, shave or any cleaning today, unless your counting what I did around the house. I did wash dishes, straighten a closet of two, and a few other small household chores.

The bulk of my day was spent at the computer. I am working on 3-4 projects at the same time. I’m not sure if God is taking me back into the conventional 8-5 work life ever again but I do venture onto Indeed.com, Monster and Careerbuilder just in case. I told God I am not walking thru any door (opportunity) this time, unless its with Him. So whatever door (opportunity) that comes my way, I know it is truly from Him. With that being said, I don’t have a formal job, I’ve applied for some, but I haven’t missed a beat.

The highlight of my day was landing a gig for Unknown Lyric (UL). I’ve stepped into a management/booking role recently for these two talented musicians. Take a acoustic guitarist and a classically trained violinist who both share a love of rock, pop, jazz, gospel and hip-hop and you get “Classical Fusion” the perfect instrumental music genre.

The guys are booked for the TedX Conference in Birmingham, AL this Saturday and so I made some calls and landed us a gig at a popular upscale restaurant nearby for Saturday night. It felt good getting that first booking under my belt. Now I can go get UL on the “Grammy’s” or something LOL! Ask any real salesman and he/she will tell you there is nothing like the confidence your first sale brings. You feel like you can conquer the world.

This gave me the energy to work on the other few projects the rest of the evening. I’m not ready to reveal all of those yet but if you know me personally then you know that one project is everything I do with TeamML6. Micha is building something super special and I am thankful to be apart of that process as well. I am in a really good space right now creatively and I am thanking my Higher Power for every bit of this energy. It is so true that daily time spent with God will unlock everything else. Gone is all negativity including negative environments and negative people that I used to try so hard to keep near. Let Go & Let God is truly the motto.

So all of this brings me back to being up at what is now 1:51am full of energy and in the mood to work. Reading a couple online articles, real ones not the dumb ones people post on Facebook. Doing research people! I’m also replying to emails and crafting some new messages to send out. I’ve traded working 8-5 to fuel someone else’s dreams, to working anytime-anywhere to fuel my own. Cue the Janet Jackson song.

On that note I’m gone good people…..this was fun, let’s do it again soon.

-Tee 2:03am 2/27/15

@teeLARGE (instagram) // @teeLARGE (twitter) // teelarge40@gmail.com